Following funding from Danish Peoples Aid (DPA), the project seeks to provide urgently needed child protection services to vulnerable children (boys and girls) through a safe children centre facility in Kismayo town. The intervention will offer interim care service and protection to most vulnerable children groups such as Separated Children
The project aims at enhancing access to WASH services in Elwak district by building on the gains from previous Gedo recovery projects spanning over previous years. It seeks to involve the community in addressing their WASH needs through development of sustainable long-term WASH initiatives that have community support. The target
The on-going project is funded by the Somali stability fund. The purpose of the program is to improve economic and employment prospects for women and young people in Garbaharey district through: a) Establishment of saving and loans association for 100 women including training on VSLA techniques. DF ARC will strength
Pictures portray the main activities of the project that included clearing of land, excavation of water canal, construction of water distribution boxes, installation of solar water pumping systems and provision of farm inputs to youth farmers
Integrated approach project to fight GBV/FGM and HIV/AIDS in Somali community with IGA for FGM actors
Integrated approach project for women peace and security in Somali Community. With IGA for FGM actors.
Emergency NFIs distribution to displaced and drought affected IDPs in Elwak district
Emergency Psychosocial support for women, girls, men and boys in Gedo region Somalia