The on-going project is funded by the Somali stability fund. The purpose of the program is to improve economic and employment prospects for women and young people in Garbaharey district through:
a) Establishment of saving and loans association for 100 women including training on VSLA techniques. DF ARC will strength and expand the informal VSLAs in Garbaharey; provide trainings and capacity building on basic business management, book-keeping, VSLA strengthening and linking to the formal Micro-finance schemes as they graduate. The purpose of the VSLA is to train and prepare for them to access formal micro-finance schemes and second their smaller business. Given the limited value chains available in Garbaharey, able to provide decent and productive employment to a greater number of people, as well as limited access to financial services, this intervention is essentially needed to strengthen human capital and economic development and lay the foundation for economic growth in the region.
b)Conditional cash transfer for 200 HHs for a period of three months. The proposed Cash Programming will be conditional in nature and will be done in form of Cash for work; Cash for work programs that would be used to rehabilitate some community infrastructures in selected areas in Garbaharey that will represent significant value for money given. It results in improved investment in community infrastructure and has a long term benefit. The cost per beneficiary household would be approximately 100 USD for 25 days per household reached.
c)Construction and equipping of women center in a preferred location. By constructing a facility in Garbaharey that currently has very limited employment opportunities, this intervention can provide immediate labour intensive employment as well as skills training and resources to conduct weaving and tailoring for women.
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